There is a license error on this site:
License has expired
The Web site remains functional, but this message will be displayed until the license error has been corrected.

To correct this error:If you do not have a license file, please request one from EPiServer License Center.
Licensing information | IAR

Licensing information

Software products from IAR are furnished under a license and may be used and copied only in accordance with the terms expressed in the software license agreement (SLA).

Find the right license model for your needs

We offer licensing models for different organizational needs.

Working in a development team?

Network license is for you.

The network license is convenient and cost efficient for a team of developers. It allows you to share a pool of licenses among a group of users over a network. While there is a limit on the number of concurrent users, the number of installed copies that can occupy a license is unlimited.The network license is managed by a license server that is included in the delivery. New users can be added to an existing network license.

Working in a global development team?

Global network license is for you.

For our customers with operations and development projects at several sites and in different countries, we offer geographical flexibility through Global Network Licenses. The ordinary Network License is restricted to one single geographical site, whereas a Global Network License provides the possibility to have users accessing the same network license from multiple sites globally.

Working alone at several locations?

Mobile license is for you.

A mobile license is a single user license. It is locked to a USB dongle that you can bring with you, and works even if the PC is without network connection. Keeping the license on a dongle also protects your license from hardware failure.

Working at the same PC every time?

A stand-alone license is for you.

A PC-locked/stand-alone license is locked to a specific PC. It is a personal, single user license and can be used by having physical access to your PC. It also works if the PC is not connected to a network.

Get details about licensing

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